Spring Point Shootout Fishing TournamentSpring Point Shootout 2024

  • Where – Spring Point Marina.  1 Spring Point Drive So. Portland Maine
  • When – Captain meeting August 22nd Registration start @5 meeting starts
    @ 6:00 PM under the tent

– Drinks provided at Captains meeting.

  • Fishing begins Friday the 23rd at 12:01am and is open until Saturday the 24th at 3pm
  • Scales open Friday the 23rd 4pm-6pm Saturday the 24th 3pm-5pm
  • Tournament channel – 69

Three Fishing Categories

  • Shark – $350 entry fee per boat  1st – $4,000 , 2nd – $2,000  and 3rd – $1,000
    • Prizes will also be given for Catch and Release
  • Striped Bass – $50 entry fee per boat   1st – $500, 2nd – $250, 3rd – $100
  • Ground fish – $50 entry fee per boat   1st – $500, 2nd – $250, 3rd – $100

Shark Tournament Rules

  • Fishing can begin at 12.01 am Friday 23rd.
  • 1 fish per day per boat
  • 2 legal species qualify to be entered for prize money Thresher and Porbeagle
  • Thresher and Porbeagle must be 6 feet (72inches) fork length
  • Cockpit harpoons are allowed. All other IFGA rules apply. No guns, bang sticks, etc.…
  • Passing the rod between anglers is allowed.
  • Max reel size 80
  • Max line 120#
  • No limit on where you can fish
  • All fish must be weighed by boat at Spring Point Marina during scales open time
  • Fish must be fought using stand up gear
  • Lines out 3pm Saturday 8/24
  • State and Federal Rules apply

Catch and Release Sharks

  • Catch and release will be tracked for prizes
  • All boats registered for the Shark category are entered in the catch and release
  • To be a legal release the shark must be hooked and the swivel must touch the rod tip and the wire leader must be touched
  • All boats must record on the affidavit sheets after each catch and sheets must be turned in prior scales closed time.
  • Top three boats will be awarded prizes
  • Lines out 3pm Saturday 8/24
  • State and federal rules apply

 GroundFish Rules

  • Fishing can begin at 12:01am Friday the 23rd
  • All legal Groundfish qualify to be weighed in and entered into the tournament.
  • No dogfish will be weighed
  • All Groundfish must be caught from a tournament registered boat and weighed in by the same boat
  • All fish must be weighed in by boat at Spring Point Marina during scales open times
  • Groundfish prize money will be given to the Top 3 heaviest fish.
  • Fish are assigned to the boat not to the angler.  Boat may enter multiple legal fish
  • All Groundfish must be caught on rod and reel and comply with federal and state regulations
  • Ties will go to the first fish that was weighed
  • Lines out at 3pm Saturday the 24th
  • State and federal rules apply

 Striped Bass

  • Fishing can begin at 12:01am Friday the 23rd
  • All legal Striped Bass qualify to be weighed in and entered into the tournament
  • All striped bass must be caught from a tournament registered boat and weighed in by same boat
  • Striped bass prize money will be awarded to the three heaviest fish
  • Fish are assigned to the boat not to the angler.  Boat may enter multiple legal fish
  • All state and federal regulations apply and fish must be caught on rod and reel.
  • Any ties will go to the first fish that was weighed
  • Lines out at 3pm Saturday the 24th

Striped Bass Catch and Release

  • Prizes will be issued to top 3 boats for catch and release total length category for Striped Bass
  • The top three boats with the most total length for their 5 longest fish caught and released fish will win the prizes.
  • Fish must caught legally and released humanly in accordance with state and federal regulations.
  • Photo must be taken with tape measure and tournament issued photo placard
  • The tape measure should go to the center of the fork and to the tip of the head laid flat next to the fish.
  • Photos should be text messaged to the tournament director cell phone number on back of placard
  • A catch and release is a fish brought to the boat, hook removed and released so it swims away safely.
  • Rod and reel is the only method that can be used.
  • Fish must be caught and recorded on a tournament registered boat.

General Information

  • Scales are open Friday the 23rd 4pm to 6pm
  • Lines in the water for all categories Friday the 23rd at 12:01am
  • Scales are open Saturday the 24th 3 PM to 5PM
  • Lines out of the water at 3pm Saturday the 24th
  • Boat must be inside Spring Point Light by 5 PM to be weighed, tournament committee discretion
  • Awards ceremony will be held at 5 PM or after the last fish is weighed.  Hamburgers, hot dogs, and drinks.
  • There is no weather committee. The decision to fish is that of the participant and done solely at their own risk. Tournament officials can cancel for extreme weather.  Refund will be given in this case.
  • All tournament decisions are final
  • Sportsmanlike behavior is required by all participants


All Entrants will be entered into drawing for awesome raffle prizes at the Captains Dinner Saturday night! No extra fee to enter for a chance to win great Prizes!!!!

Wayside Food Program will be here to take away all fish meat brought in that the captains do not want to keep to help feed those in need.  We ask that you donate as much catch as you can to help feed the Greater Portland Community.

Our Goal is to fill the truck with 2000 pounds of fish!


Registration Closed